Friday, 15 March 2013


This tag line 'Disaster is just a small step away' can connote that disaster will occur in the most unpredictable scenes. This can reinforce the fact that it is a comedy film as disasters that happen to the main character throughout a film can be seen as funny to all age groups but mainly kids.
As there are bright blue clear skies is portrays a happy environment as that what holidays are usually associated with. The poster itself is a shot taken from the south of France which adds to the realism and works like a little teaser to show the audience what they’re in store for. The use of the suitcase is predominantly seen throughout the poster as it relates to the title of the film; because a suitcase is usually associated with a holiday or a journey.

The fact that the main character is coming out of a train through the use of a mid-shot showing us that this will be based on a journey and conveys that the film will be based on physical comedy  by the way he is coming out of the train in a funny manner shows that the genre will be comedy but also by reputation of previous versions of the film.
The film title is two different colours from the rest of the poster so the audience can clearly see it.  The font is also unique with strong emphasis on the word ‘Bean’ which shows he is the main character. This similar font was used in the previous film he starred in and makes a statement based on the success of the previous comedy film.  This shows that they are using the reputation of ‘MR. Bean’ in order to capture audiences of all age
A typical convention is used as production house was involved in the making of this film. The use of ‘Universal’ shows to the public that it was produced by a known company followed by the reputation that they have. I feel that this case study will greatly help me with regards to our 3 products as a package as I will keep referring back to this as our short film also uses physical comedy in this manner.
The text towards the bottom of image  shows that age group is not yet rated which means that it has a high possibility of being ‘PG’ which can be seen by people of all ages.

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